You see them on websites all over the place, from news sites to online retailers. They are usually a cluster of small icons (called social sharing links or social bookmarks) found at the bottom of an article or web page that the website’s proprietor will be happy to share.
Clicking anyone of these links allows visitors to the site to easily share a link to a website, web page or blog article with their friends and associates, whether it is via direct email or cross-posting to Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, Google, Windows Live, MySpace or any other networking sites. (See example below this post)
These days, with so many online community and sharing services being used by so many people, you have to seriously wonder about the potential business opportunities you could be missing out on by not including several of these links on your site.
There are a number of public sharing services available that make the addition of these links to a website a pretty straightforward task. Plus these links can be programmed to link back to your site’s home page, a specific interior page, blog article, or even product promotion, which could prove to be a good revenue stream.
Most of these services also provide stats, will allow you to see and assess the activity the Social Sharing Links are generating.
If you are interested in discussing a link program for your website, please feel free to contact me at any time to discuss. (